VRC School
Everything you need to know to make VRChat Avatar Systems

Avatar 3.0
- Introduction - VRChat Avatars 3.0
- Uploading an Avatar in 3.0
- VRChat Avatar SDK Components
- Understanding Avatars 3.0
- The Avatar Descriptor
- Expressions Menu and Parameters
- Hand Gestures/Facial Expressions
- Toggles
- Multi-Toggles
- Dissolve Toggles
- Radial Puppets (Hue Shifts and more)
- Phys Bones
- Contact Receivers/Senders
- Axis Puppets (2-Axis/4-Axis)
- Built-In VRC Parameters
- Playable Layers
- VRC State Behaviours
- Avatar Masks
- Head Chop
- Troubleshooting 3.0